1. Open Merit- 80% of the enrollment.
2. Teacher's son-5% of the enrollment.
3. Sports 5% of the enrollment.
4. Disabled 5% of the enrollment.
5. Kinship 5% of the enrollment.
80% or Higher marks will get 100% tuition fee concession.
70% or Higher marks will get 50% tuition fee concession.
First Position: Rs. 200,000
Second Position: Rs. 150,000
Third Position: Rs. 100,000
Candidates seeking admission should attach the following documents along with their application form which.
is attached at the end of the prospectus.(a) Three attested copies of Matriculation Certificate.
(b) Three attested copies of Intermediate / D.Com Certificate.
(c) Three attested copies of Bachelor Degree.
(d) One attested copies of character certificate by the head of institution of last attended.
(e) 8 photographs of passport size.
(f) Three copies of C.N.I.C of Father/ Guardian and of the candidate.
(g) Original Migration Certificate (NOC) if applicable.
l. Admission is open to male / female students who fulfil the required conditions.
2. Admission will be granted on successful qualification of interview with Admission Committee.
3. Copies of the certificates and photographs will not be returned even if admission is refused.
4. Admission will be cancelled if the student fails to pay his/ her dues within the prescribed time.
5. Fee and funds once paid are not refundable in any case.