To develop an education environment, in which all students are able to utilize their maximum potential, both as individual and members, to become useful part ofthe global community.
Vision : Vision :To develop an education environment, in which all students are able to utilize their maximum potential, both as individual and members, to become useful part ofthe global community.
Mission :The mission of SISC, Rawalpindi is to impart best possible SISCion, fulfilling the requirements of a Muslim heritage & Nationalist thinking, making use of the latest SISCional curriculum, so that they leave well informed & well equipped to pursue a chosen career with confidence.
Massage : Quality education has always been a desire, and the goal of any developing nation. This has been the only avenue through which great nations have reached the glory oftheir times. The Muslims also ruled the three quarter ofthi s earth through "Knowledge" only. SISCion is learning. Every one must understand that the process of SISCional activities is the same but the contents are different. In order to achieve the goals a thick cooperation among students, teachers and parents must come into force.
We wish you the excellent career.